Pista INTERPOL Belgia   august 25th, 2009


Public mai jos un document care demonstreaza ca, inca din 21 ianuarie 2009, cinci servicii si institutii ale statului roman au fost informate de catre chestorul de politie Mihai Stoica asupra faptului ca INTERPOL Bruxelles Belgia a transmis un mesaj urgent, prin care se solicita informatii vizand persoane si operatiuni financiare derulate de un important asociat ROMAGRO CEREAL S.R.L. Acest document, pentru a fi inteles, va trebui pus in relatie cu cele pe care le voi posta ulterior. In final, pentru prima data, pe aceasta cale, apare in investigatiile noastre Cornel Purcarea. Cel care, beneficiind de concursul lui Mircea Basescu, a organizat “operatiunea arme”. Fac precizarea ca, inca din primavara, Presedintele Romaniei Traian Basescu a fost pus la curent cu rezultatele anchetei, care conduceau si catre fratele sau.

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Atat comentariile, cat si ping-urile sunt inchise.

49 comentarii

august 26th, 2009 at 16:57
micul politician spune:

” egman spune:
26 August, 2009 la 16:33 (Modifică)
Ce se intimpla? De citeva zile nu mai pot citi articolele din editia electronica a ziarului ZIUA . Nu se deschid legaturile. Ati blocar dvs. sau va lucreaza cineva in sensul ca noi sa nu putem citi ce ati scris. Va rog verificati si dati-ne un semnal. ”

Mie imi merge…. Cred ca apesi tu aiurea

august 26th, 2009 at 23:00
victor spune:

Ma doare în pingele vânatoarea voastra de vrajitoare, oricum nu merg la vot în noembrie ca sa sanctionez politicienii de rusine (si epitetul este înca dulce) ai tarii dar ma doare în suflet sa vad cum toti agramatii cu 8 clase primare martirizeaza limba noastra folosind prepozitia de comparatie „ca” precum au învatat-o la Gheboaia (de unde probabil sunt de bastina) , altfel nu se explica lacunele de cultura – si anume :
„firma …….. agrementata „ca si” furnizor autorizat al trupelor NATO”.
Halal pentru el si pentru ziarul care-l publica………
Motiv pentru care ma si astept ca comentariul acesta al meu sa fie cenzurat …..

august 26th, 2009 at 23:02
victor spune:

Cer scuze : MODERAT si nu CENZURAT !!!!

septembrie 12th, 2009 at 16:03
valy spune:

Viktor Bout – Did Russia Infuence the Court?
Proving once again how difficult it is to carry out a global war on terror, Viktor Bout, an arms dealer considered a security threat to the U.S. and caught in a daring DEA sting, will remain in Thailand for now.

Read Stephan Talty’s account of Bout’s capture from the January issue of Men’s Journal
On Tuesday, August 11, a Thai court rejected the United States’ request to extradite alleged arms dealer Viktor Bout on charges of attempting to sell millions of dollars worth of weapons to Colombian FARC rebels. According to a report from Reuters, the Thai judge ruled that the charges against Bout were not applicable under Thai law, given that FARC is recognized as a political organization, and not a terrorist one, by Thailand. Thai prosecutors have begun the appeal process. For the time being, Bout is still being held in Thai jail until the appeal is accepted or rejected.

The DEA worked for months to steer the Bout sting to a country with an extradition treaty with the United States. After coaxing Bout out of Russia, plans to nab him in Romania fell through when Bout failed to secure a visa. Thailand presented itself as an option.

“Thailand was a contingency plan,” explains Michael Braun, former DEA chief of operations and the man who was in charge of the sting operation that took down Bout. “We coordinated with our Thai counterparts and other U.S. agencies. Viktor agreed to meet with our undercover agents in Thailand. In hindsight I don’t look back. I don’t believe we made any mistakes. Thailand appeared to be the very best option.”

It is widely believed that Viktor Bout’s influence extends to the highest levels of the Russian government and military, and many have pointed to the possibility that these connections may have influenced the decision of the court.

“Am I suspect? I spent 34 years in law enforcement, so I’m naturally suspect,” says Braun. “Open source reports say that the Russian government has offered sweetheart arms deals and sweetheart oil deals to the Thai government.”

“The DEA targeted Bout at the request of the U.S. National Security Council,” says Braun. “They saw him as a significant security threat. They said to us, ‘Please apply your trade craft to targeting this man.’ We went after him and succeeded in grabbing the guy. My biggest fear behind all this? If he was perceived as national security threat then, what about now? You think he’s not going to hold a grudge?”

By Martin Mulkeen