File din raportul SRI   noiembrie 6th, 2009


Iata ce spune raportul Serviciului de Informatii roman despre Vasile Blaga:

„In perioada 1996-2000, Vasile Blaga a fost senator PD de Bihor, dar si-a mentinut controlul asupra Directiei Regionale Vamale Oradea prin promovarea in fruntea acesteia a fostului sau adjunct Calin Vesa. In anul 2001, dupa ce Traian Basescu l-a rasturnat pe Petre Roman din fruntea PD, Vasile Blaga a trecut de partea lui Basescu, care, fiind si primar general al Capitalei, l-a adus la Bucuresti si l-a facut presedinte al organizatiei municipale Bucuresti a PD iar apoi l-a promovat secretar general al PD, trasandu-i ca sarcina principala colectarea de bani negri pentru partid din lucrarile angajate si prestarile de servicii realizate de Primaria municipiului Bucuresti (asfaltari, salubrizare, igienizare sau renovare scoli, intretinere parcuri si lacuri, inchirieri de spatii comerciale s.a). In aceeasi perioada a fost angajat expert parlamentar, precum si consilier al directorului general de la Luxten, care-l platea cu 700 euro lunar.

In perioada cat a fost prefect, director al Directiei Regionale Vamale Oradea, senator, ministru, presedintele organizatiei municipale Bucuresti si secretar general al PD, Vasile Blaga a intrat in relatii de afaceri cu numerosi afaceristi dubiosi din Oradea, Satu Mare si Bucuresti, unii cu antecedente penale, care au fost cu totii cercetati penal pentru evaziune fiscala, contrabanda sau alte infractiuni. Cu concursul lui Blaga, au reusit insa sa scape de tragerea la raspundere penala, desii unii dintre ei, initial, au fost arestati. Pentru a salva aparentele, Blaga a aplicat cu toti acesti afaceristi metoda nasitului, devenindu-le nas de casatorie ori nas de botez la copii.

In acest fel, a realizat afaceri si profituri substantiale cu afaceristii Radu Pentie, Mircea Sumalan si Coriolan Pop-Bruchental din Oradea si cu afaceristii Viorel Cardos si Dumitru Pop din Satu Mare. Finii nasului Blaga au derulat afaceri banoase cu alcool, bere vrac, ulei alimentar, produse petroliere si lucrari finantate cu bani publici. Cu totii au fost anchetati pentru evaziune fiscala, contrabanda sau alte infractiuni (fals si uz de fals), doi dintre ei fiind si arestati (Coriolan Pop-Bruchental si Dumitru Pop). Trei dintre ei (Mircea Sumalan, Coriolan Pop-Bruchental si Viorel Cardos) au derulat afaceri petroliere cu sprijinul nasului Vasile Blaga, care era actionar semnificativ (detine 374.000 actiuni, in valoare de 10 miliarde lei vechi, reprezentand 1,7% din capitalul social) la Societatea comerciala Petrolsub SA din Suplacu de Barcau, judetul Bihor, care a fost cea mai importanta societate de forare, extractie si prelucrare de petrol din Transilvania, pana ce a fost falimentata cu cativa ani in urma.

Totodata, Vasile Blaga a fost prieten bun cu directorul general Tudor Cladovan de la SC Petrosub. Concret, celor trei fini le-au fost livrate produse petroliere in valoare de zeci de miliarde de lei vechi, pe care nu le-au mai platit furnizorului si, de multe ori, nu le-au inregistrat in gestiunea firmelor lor. Astfel, unul dintre prietenii si finii sai, Radu Pentie, patronul grupului de firme Perami din Oradea, s-a ocupat cu afaceri cu alcool si bere vrac de import, fiind unul din cei mai mari importatori din nord-vestul Romaniei si sponsor important al campaniilor electorale ale PD. In anul 1996, ca sef al Directiei Regionale Vamale Oradea, Vasile Blaga a favorizat firma Perami SA Oradea, semnand o dispozitie catre Vama Oradea ca importurile efectuate de aceasta firma sa fie vamuite la valoarea de factura, nu conform prevederilor Hotararii de Guvern nr. 864/1995. A fost singura firma care a beneficiat de acest tratament.

Un alt fin, Mircea Sumalan, patronul SC SMG Total Group SRL Oradea, s-a ocupat cu afaceri cu produse petroliere (petrol, gazolina, benzina), indeosebi cu SC Petrolsub Suplacu de Barcau. Finii Pentie si Sumalan au avut dosare penale pentru infractiuni de contrabanda si evaziune fiscala, cu prejudicii de zeci de miliarde de lei, comise in perioada in care Vasile Blaga a fost seful Directiei Regionale Vamale Oradea si parlamentar de Bihor. Desi Politia a propus trimiterea lor in judecata, cu concursul lui Blaga, care avea prieteni la parchetele din judetul Bihor, dosarele lui Pentie si Sumalan au fost musamalizate, dispunandu-se scoaterea lor de sub urmarire penala. In cursul anului 2004, dosarele Pentie si Sumalan au fost redeschise insa de Parchetul General.

In luna decembrie 2004, intre cele doua tururi ale alegerilor prezidentiale, cand s-a vehiculat ca Vasile Blaga ar putea deveni ministru de Interne daca guvernul va fi constituit de Alianta DA PNL-PD, comisarul Remus Span, fost sef al SIPI Satu Mare, pe atunci sef al Departamentului Politiei Judiciare a PNA, a facut copii de pe dosarele lui Pentie si Sumalan, in care era vizat si Blaga, si le-a predat chestorului Virgil Ardelean, seful Directiei Generale de Informatii si Protectie Interna din Ministerul Administratiei si Internelor. Blaga a fost santajat cu dosarele respective, intre cele doua tururi ale alegerilor prezidentiale, cand era seful de campanie a lui Traian Basescu, incat a promis ca dupa ce Basescu va pierde, cum estimau toate sondajele, va aduce tot PD-ul in PSD, unde venisera deja o parte din liderii care au facut parte din echipa lui Petre Roman. Traian Basescu a castigat insa presedintia Romaniei iar Vasile Blaga a devenit ministru de Interne. El a fost insa santajat si este santajabil in continuare cu dosarele Pentie si Sumalan, chiar daca au fost inchise din nou, dupa ce procuror general al Romaniei a devenit Laura Codruta Kovesi, la promovarea careia in aceasta functie a avut o contributie esentiala.

Un alt fin, Coriolan Pop-Bruchental din Oradea, patronul firmei S.C. Coriolan S.R.L., a carui sotie, Ionela Pop-Bruchental, a fost consateana si este una din apropiatele lui Blaga, devenind deputat PD in legislatura 2004-2008, a fost implicat in afaceri cu ulei alimentar de import si produse petroliere cu SC Petrolsub Suplacu de Barcau. Coriolan Pop-Bruchental a fost condamnat la 22 februarie 2006 de Curtea de Apel Pitesti la 4 ani si jumatate de inchisoare cu executare pentru contrabanda, evaziune fiscala si fals material in inscrisuri oficiale, intrucat a introdus in tara, fara a achita taxe vamale, zeci de transporturi de ulei alimentar in numele unor firme apartinand unor cetateni arabi plecati din Romania. Dupa condamnarea definitiva a reusit sa se sustraga de la executarea pedepsei o perioada, in timp ce nasul Blaga era ministru de Interne. Pana la urma a fost incarcerat, dar, dupa ce a amenintat in arest ca va spune totul despre implicarea nasului Blaga, a fost pus in libertate intr-un mod mai mult decat curios.

Un alt fin al ministrului Blaga este afaceristul Viorel Cardos din comuna Bixad, judetul Satu Mare, care a fost patronul firmelor SC Hard SRL si SC Hard CVI SRL, de cativa ani in procedura de faliment. In cursul anului 1998, cu sprijinul nasului Vasile Blaga, pe atunci senator, si a ministrului Industriilor, Radu Berceanu, finul Viorel Cardos a vandut SC Petrom SA, prin firma SC Hard SRL, o benzinarie neprofitabila, situata in localitatea Iojib din judetul Satu Mare, in care a investit aproximativ un miliard de lei vechi si pentru care a incasat circa 21 de miliarde de lei vechi. In contractul de vanzare-cumparare s-a consemnat ca aceasta statie de benzina includea si un motel cu restaurant si un atelier de reparatii auto, dar in realitate acestea nu existau decat ca proiect, fiind sapate doar fundatiile la data incheierii tranzactiei. SC Hard SRL Bixad a mai facut afaceri profitabile, prin intermediul nasului Blaga, cu SC Petrolsub SRL Suplacu de Barcau, de la care a preluat produse petroliere in valoare de zeci de miliarde de lei vechi, din care o mare parte nu au fost achitate niciodata furnizorului. SC Hard Bixad figureaza si printre principalii furnizori de servicii pentru Petrolsub: saparea de santuri, curatarea de santuri infectate, dezafectarea sondelor, ecologizarea perimetrelor petroliere si redarea terenurilor catre agricultura, lucrari a caror autenticitate era greu de verificat si in plus erau suprafacturate.

O alta afacere nasita de Vasile Blaga si Viorel Cardos a fost cumpararea SC Multimec SA Marghita din judetul Bihor, o uzina mecanica tehnologizata in ultimii ani ai regimului comunist, la un pret mult subevaluat. Cu ajutorul judecatorului sindic Maria Rosca de la Tribunalul Bihor, SC Hard SRL a cumparat activele SC Multimec SA la pretul de 4,75 miliarde de lei vechi, desi o firma romano-germana facuse o oferta de 20 de miliarde de lei vechi. Pentru aceasta afacere, judecatorul sindic Maria Rosca a fost arestata si trimisa in judecata de Parchetul de pe langa Curtea de Apel Oradea pentru infractiunile de luare de mita si abuz in serviciu contra intereselor persoanelor, fiind condamnata definitiv la 10 ani de inchisoare.

In mod dubios, afaceristul Viorel Cardos nu a fost audiat si propus de Parchet, prin rechizitoriu, ca martor al acuzarii, iar instantele de judecata nu l-au citat si audiat ca martor, desi ar fi trebuit cercetat si trimis in judecata cel putin pentru complicitate la infractiunea de abuz in serviciu contra intereselor persoanelor. Ulterior, afaceristul Viorel Cardos a transferat activele SC Multimec de pe SC Hard SRL pe numele sau si le-a vandut ca persoana fizica cu bucata, obtinand aproximativ 40 de miliarde de lei vechi (un milion de euro la data respectiva).

In cursul lunii septembrie 2004, Directia Generala a Finantelor Publice Satu Mare a constatat, in urma unui control fiscal, ca afaceristul Viorel Cardos a comis, prin operatiuni frauduloase cu firmele sale SC Hard SRL si SC Hard CVI SRL, o evaziune fiscala cifrata la 40,2 miliarde lei vechi, cea mai mare parte a prejudiciului fiind cauzata prin operatiuni fictive cu mijloace fixe din patrimoniul SC Multimec Marghita. Directia Generala a Finantelor Publice a sesizat Inspectoratul Judetean de Politie Satu Mare, care a inceput urmarirea penala si a trimis dosarul la Parchetul de pe langa Curtea de Apel Oradea, unde a fost musamalizat. Finul Viorel Cardos a parasit de cativa ani judetul Satu Mare, pentru a se sustrage urmaririi penale si lichidarii judiciare declansata de Ministerul Finantelor impotriva firmelor sale, SC Hard SRL si SC Hard CVI SRL, stabilindu-se in municipiul Ploiesti, unde a intrat in afaceri cu tatal actualei presedinte a Camerei Deputatilor, Roberta Anastase, fost director la societatea petroliera „1 Mai” Ploiesti. In anii 2000, Viorel Cardos s-a laudat unor apropiati ca ar construi case de vacanta pentru el si pentru Vasile Blaga intr-o localitate din jurul Bucurestiului, se pare ca la Mogosoaia.

Ultimul fin cunoscut al ministrului Vasile Blaga este afaceristul Dumitru Pop din Satu Mare, poreclit Mitica Ofsaid, caruia i-a nasit recent un copil din a doua casatorie. Dumitru Pop este cunoscut ca un individ cu antecedente penale si afaceri dubioase. In anul 1989 a fost arestat de Procuratura Judeteana Satu Mare, pentru complicitate la trecerea frauduloasa a frontierei, intrucat a fost prins in timp ce incerca sa treaca in Ungaria, pe raza judetului Satu Mare, un grup de circa 20 de cetateni de nationalitate germana din zona Banatului, carora le-a perceput cate 20-30.000 lei / persoana si le-a confectionat pasapoarte false pe domicilii fictive din judetul Satu Mare, cu concursul unor sefi din Militia Judeteana Satu Mare. A fost eliberat insa dupa evenimentele din decembrie 1989, intrucat trecerea frauduloasa a frontierei a fost dezincriminata. In anul 2003, a fost arestat de Serviciul Teritorial al DNA pentru trafic de influenta, intrucat i-a promis directorului SC Florisal SA – firma care s-a ocupat de salubrizarea municipiului Satu Mare – care era invinuit in dosarul fostului primar al municipiului Satu Mare, Horea Anderco, ce fusese arestat de DNA pentru fapte de coruptie si abuz in serviciu, ca va rezolva cu procurorul de caz sa nu fie si el arestat, daca-i cesioneaza gratis pachetul majoritar de actiuni ce-l detinea la SC Florisal.

Dumitru Pop s-a cunoscut cu Traian Basescu si cu Vasile Blaga dupa ce primul a devenit primar general al Capitalei, in 2000 iar al doilea a preluat sefia organizatiei municipale Bucuresti a PD si distribuirea lucrarilor publice din capitala. Amandoi l-au ajutat ca firma sa, SC Bella Consulting Construction SRL, sa primeasca lucrari publice de milioane de euro in fiecare an: igienizari de scoli, care se rezumau la simple spoieli, decolmatari de lacuri, care erau putin vizibile, intretinere parcuri, lucrari de canalizare, s.a.

Dupa ce Traian Basescu a ajuns Presedintele Romaniei iar Vasile Blaga, ministru de Interne, Dumitru Pop a fost pus in libertate in dosarul in care fusese trimis in judecata de DNA pentru trafic de influenta. La scurt timp, Dumitru Pop i-a vizitat la Bucuresti, fiind dus in aceeasi zi de un taximetrist (Marian R.) la Ministerul Administratiei si Internelor si la Palatul Cotroceni. Taximetrul a facut o escala si la Primaria Generala a Capitalei, unde Dumitru Pop s-a intalnit cu viceprimarul Razvan Murgeanu, fostul subaltern al lui Traian Basescu si mana dreapta a acestuia in afacerile de la Primaria Capitalei, care a primit sarcina sa-i ofere noi lucrari publice in Bucuresti. Astfel ca, in perioada 2005-2008, firma Bella Consulting Construction a beneficiat anual de lucrari publice de milioane de euro, finantate de Primaria Generala a Capitalei. Mai mult, dupa inundatiile din 2005, firma lui Dumitru Pop a primit, prin incredintare directa de la Ministerul Mediului, condus de Sulfina Barbu, lucrari pentru inlaturarea efectelor inundatiilor in Banat si in Moldova, in valoare de circa 10 milioane de euro, desi firma acestuia nu avea niciun utilaj si niciun angajat de specialitate. Dupa ce Vasile Blaga i-a nasit ultimul copil din actuala casnicie, Dumitru Pop a cumparat un hotel de patru stele in centrul Vienei – Reither, din lantul Best Western – la care se vehiculeaza ca ar avea o cota si nasul Blaga.

Pe langa ca i-a prosperat firma in actualul mandat prezidential al lui Traian Basescu, a scapat si de problemele penale, fiind achitat in procesul pentru trafic de influenta de catre instantele judecatoresti din judetul Mures, unde a fost stramutata cauza. In ultimii ani, finul ministrului Vasile Blaga si amicul Presedintelui Basescu a proferat amenintari cu moartea, transmitandu-i ca va angaja ucraineni care sa-i taie gatul, la adresa unui fost prefect al judetului Satu Mare, actualmente deputat PSD, caruia i-a reprosat implicarea in arestarea sa de catre DNA pentru trafic de influenta” – spune Raportul.

Atat comentariile, cat si ping-urile sunt inchise.

8 comentarii

noiembrie 6th, 2009 at 13:12
File din raportul SRI | spune:

[…] Articol intreg […]

noiembrie 7th, 2009 at 03:54
Robert Horvath spune:


Cotidianul italian „Il Secolo XIX” a publicat in editia electronica ca, in cursul unei anchete a comandamentului operativ special al politiei din Genova, a fost interceptata o discutie telefonica dintre doi suspecti de terorism de origine tunisiana.

Din convorbire se creiona existenta unei ramificatii a organizatiei al-Qaeda pe teritoriul Romaniei, de unde teroristii ar putea ajunge usor in Europa de Vest si care ar detine inclusiv tabere de antrenament unde luptatorii islamisti ar invata sa foloseasca dispozitivele explozive. Ziarul italian nominaliza trei persoane implicate in Romania: liderul celulei din Europa de Est a retelei, Kamel Abbachi, algerianul Mourad Boussaha si Abdul Baset Suwalem. Potrivit publicatiei italiene, toti sint casatoriti cu romance si ar locui in orasul Galati ( Romania )

Potrivit ziarului „Il Secolo XIX”, Abbachi avea drept sarcina sa gestioneze transferul de imigranti clandestini catre Italia si Portugalia, in schimbul a circa 1.500 de euro de persoana. El le facea acestora invitatii de sedere in Romania, prin intermediul unui „mijlocitor”.
Potrivit ziarului italian, suspectii retinuti de comandamentul operativ special al politiei italiene (ROS) au avut contacte cu membrii de prim-plan din terorismul islamic, implicati in atentatele de la Casablanca, Madrid si Londra. Interceptind unul dintre telefoanele mobile folosite de membrii italieni ai celulei, politistii au reusit, in cursul anchetei, sa identifice un numar de telefon prin satelit care era utilizat de Abu Mussab al-Zarqawi, unul dintre locotenentii lui Osama bin Laden, care a fost ucis intr-un raid american in Irak.
Reported by Robert Horvath for Nippon Press ( Europe )

noiembrie 7th, 2009 at 13:59
roma spune:

De ce cred eu ca presedintele trage de timp si nu doreste un guvern acum .Scopul sau, este sa acopere toate acuzele ce le-a auzit si citit prin pesa si in cazul ca ajunge in cazul ca tebui sa-si ia barcuta si sa navigheze intr-o tara care nu te extradeaza .prea usor ,trebuie sa aibe problemele cat de cat aranjate, Va dati seama cata teaba are sa-si rezolve toate afacerile de la vest granita, la est granita, in institutii ,cu oamenii de afaceri , cu unii din ei pentru ca , cealalta parte este parte cu care se rafuieste , fiind paravan in fata naivilor de tarani si muncitori care stau tooata ziua cu coloana aplecata spre pamant sprijinindu-se pe sapa si atunci cand isi vand marfa la piata vad ca , castigul e fff mc mic . Atunci infuriati pe moguli ,sunt tamai bine de acord cu ,le explica cum e cu hotul din papusoi ,doar eu sunt alatui de voi. Daca pune guvernul dorit de parlamentarii 75% incepe vre -un control al hartogarii si s-ar putea sa se stranga multe hartioare si cd si foto si ,grafice etc care ???Asta cred eu .Altfel fiind presedintele ROMANIEI nu ai de ce sa te joci in hall acesta cu cetatenii ei.

noiembrie 7th, 2009 at 19:57
cristina55 spune:

Sa speram ca vom scapa de aceasta „ciuma”, care este basescu & camarila, pe 22 noiembrie. Dupa cat de dezechilibrat este in ultima vreme, se pare ca presimte ca nu va intra in turul 2! Se pare ca majoritatea timpului (atunci cand nu este in transa) se uita la tv, pt. ca a inceput sa aiba reactii in functie de ceea ce se discuta pe la televiziuni despre el. Ca este asa, o demonstreaza clar, reactia pe care a avut-o azi (sambata 7 noiembrie) la Cetate, fata de Dinescu, pe care nu l-a lasat sa vorbeasca! Zilele-i sunt numarate! Romani mergeti la vot si sanctionati ultimul dictator comunist!

noiembrie 8th, 2009 at 17:18
Robert Horvath spune:


Robert Horvath a US investigative journalist has been continuing a series of articles in Nipon PRESS describing about the DEA sting operation against Viktor Bout, Russian arms dealer, who for 15 years has run guns to African warlords and Islamic militants, and also on some events from the past, involving him. Horvath says his correspondence provide additional disclosures about the illegal weapons trade and Bouts connections to the Romanian Presiden Basescu

HORVATH writes that in 1998, the Romanian authorities made up a fake cigarettes-smuggling case . In fact, there were no cigarettes on board Viktor Bout`s airplane IL-76 operating for Air Sofia which were unloaded at the Bucharest-Otopeni Airport. Overnight standing at its military apron was necessary for the Romanian secret services to load Romanian-made anti- aircraft missiles for destination to under UN embargo.

The american reporter wrote then that weapons under the cover of cigarettes were exported apparently by a company owned by Viktor Bout and Shimon Naor because they had the monopoly on such secret transactions at that time. Connections of Bout and other gun-runners to the Romanian military intelligence seem more then aparent.
In fact, the management of the network of the under-cover firms belonged to Colonel George Dumitrescu, an active duty, high-ranking officer of Anti-terrorist brigade of the SRI (the Romanian Homeland Intelligence Service), which coordinated the activities of the Arab citizens and their Muslim brothers in Romania. His cousin, the ex-personnel head of staff of the Intelligence Academy in the 1990s, was appointed colonel prosecutor of the Military Panel of the Supreme Court. In all operations with cigarettes this network was supported by a general and the head of the Economic Counter Intelligence Division of the SRI.

Personnel of the SIE (Foreign Intelligence Agency of Romania) based in the Romanian embassies was responsible for preparing the fake documents necessary for commercial operations of the arms smugglers network. Bouts planes operated not only from Romania but also from the neighboring Republic of Moldova, according Robert Horvath.

The comments mentions a business link for Bout with the Romanian government ( TRANSPORT MINISTER – TRAIAN BASESCU ) by the name of Colonel Gigel Bratiloveanu. This Colonel currently works as an economic adviser for the Romanian Embassy in Moscow.
In the DEA’s charges against Bout, which accuse him of supplying weapons to the Colombian FARC group, phone conversations between Bout, Andrew Smulian, and his undercover agents posing as clients suggest that Bout did not want to travel to Romania due to his „high profile” which made it more likely that he be „caught” in Romania.

The DEA must have had a plan to catch him in Bucharest, since all three operatives emphasized the convenience of meeting in Romania. Them in January 2008, DEA undercover operatives met with Smulian in Bucharest „again”– it seems Smulian, at least, had a Bucharest connection.
Then, in February 2008, the american agents intercepted a phone call between Bout and an unidentified party (CC-2) who operates an airline company in Romania. Bout asked CC-2 to help him acquire a Romanian visa; CC-2 discouraged Bout from attempting to come to Romania, saying it would be difficult to get a visa for him. Could it be Colonel Bratiloveanu friend of Baescu ?

Or is there another key player/Romanian partner who assisted Bout? His Israeli partner-born in Romania, the admiral Shimon Naor a friend of Romanian president connected Viktor Bout to Arsenal and Romtehnica, companies of Romanian DoDefense. Cigarettes in cargo manifest of Air Sofia aircraft, in fact rifle guns amunitions loaded on board at Bucharest-Otopeni Romanian AFB for a destination under embargo in 1998 ( Sierra Leone ).

Who is Shimon Naor? Or rather, who is Lieutenant Colonel Shimon-Hershkovitz? Ha’aretz brings him up in the context of the Israeili Defense Ministry’s bribery scandals:

A case that did worse damage to Israel’s image and harmed relations with the United Nations was that of Lieutenant Colonel (Res.) Shimon Naor-Hershkovitz, a former manpower officer in the navy who, after his discharge from the Israel Defense Forces, became an arms dealer for several Israeli companies. He was arrested in Rumania in August 1999 on suspicion of selling Rumanian arms, using forged documents (end-user certificates, indicating that the arms were intended for Togo) to the guerrilla forces of Dr. Jonas Savimbi, thus violating the sanctions of the United Nations Security Council against arms sales to Angola.

In November 2001, a UN investigative committee that was examining the case requested information from Israel regarding Israeli-registered companies owned by Naor-Hershkovitz and his partners.

Naor didn’t stop there. He was arrested again in 2004 in Jordan on suspicion of smuggling arms to Sudanese rebels. It seems Naor had friends in high places– his protectors in Israel are evident, but public prosecutor Cristian Bojinca also tried to protect Naor in Romania. So much so that, in 2001, the Romanian Supreme Court of Justice heard his defense following his arrest with Judge Valentino Acatrinei of the Bucharest Court of Appeal. And what happened to Naor with all these friends in high places and guns in low places?

Well, in 1999, Naor was arrested and sentenced to 7 years in prison by the Romanian courts for his role in illegal arms trade. Naor managed to gain his release on bail and fled to Israel. In Romania he was sentenced to seven years imprisonment in absentia, and is considered a fugitive from justice. And guess what? Naor is still believed to be selling arms.

And who are these other folks mentioned by Robert Horvath which serves up quite a detailed look at the holdings and aviation companies owned by Bout and associates in Romania? What is the Flying Dolphin ring? And are these well-connected guys still selling arms, still considered by various governments to be useful potential partners for covert operations?
However, if you are still interested in the mystery of Viktor Bout’s connection to the Romanian military intelligence (and judicial system),of PRESIDENT OF ROMANIA BASESCU there is more to read.


noiembrie 8th, 2009 at 22:48
Robert Horvath spune:



Basescu: The Shame of Romania
Romania’s “worst ever” scandal revealed in new book
Basescu: The Shame of Romania
Basescu: The Shame of Romania is the title of a new book that charts the course of the Romanian merchant and oceanic fishing fleets as they sailed across a sea of corruption, disappearing into their own Bermuda Triangle.  It has been called “The greatest corruption case in the history of Romania.”
This thoroughly researched and documented report covers the information waterfront, from extensive media reports to parliamentary investigation to court proceedings.  It’s a tale of nearly 40 years of corruption, deceit, political and economic nepotism and old fashioned fraud.
In his rise from ordinary seaman to ship’s captain in the Communist system, with a possible detour through the feared Securitate, to mayor of Bucharest, transport minister and ultimately national president, “Traian Basescu has displayed an almost contemptuous disregard for the rule of law and an ongoing propensity for abuse of power,” says Jonathan Harper, author of the expose.
Harper is the pen name of a longtime observer of the Romanian scene whose identity had to be concealed to protect his sources and his own security.
His book is packed with revelations and questions about the record and performance of the deck hand who became president.
The book asks some critical the questions:
Who was responsible for Romania losing its merchant marine and fishing fleets and winding up with a pile of foreign debts instead?   Where are the ships today? How did some of the best wind up in the hands of some leading Romanian politicians.  Who profited?  How much was Traian Basescu paid as a director of the Norwegian venture?  What about reports of Basescu’s ties to the dreaded Securitate? What role did the President’s brother, Mircea Basescu, play in the disappearance of five shiploads of explosives and ammunition bound from Thailand to Romania that may have wound up going to the Angolan rebel group UNITA and other militants?  Was there a link between some involved in that case and the terrorist groups Hamas and Hizbullah?
The answers can be found among findings like these:
•  “The Fleet File” is the name given to the greatest post-Communist scandal in Romania, and Traian Basescu was at the epicenter. The then-minister of transport was the highest ranking of 80 people charged by prosecutors with malfeasance in the ship deal; charges were initially dropped for lack of evidence, but later reopened in 2004 with additional evidence from a multi-party Parliamentary investigating commission that  “the President had broken nearly every constitutional provision possible,” and “charged him with no less than 19 serious violations of the fundamental law.”   The case has been suspended because of Presidential immunity until Basescu leaves office.
•  Petromin, the government-owned company with the 80 highest tonnage ships and under his jurisdiction, was soon driven aground by poor management.  A number of ships, worth tens of millions of dollars, were heavily mortgaged and wound up being sold off for a dollar each, and others were seized in foreign ports to meet unpaid debts. Petromin was left with no ships and $20 million in debt to an Oslo bank.
• The collapse of the company and the disappearance of the ships occurred on the watch of Traian Basescu, who was not only Minister of Transport but also served as acting director of a joint venture between Petromin and its Norwegian partner, raising questions of conflict of interest. The General Division of State Financial Control estimated the cost of Petromin’s mismanagement in the 1991-1999 period at more than $150 million.
•  Cotidianul, the Romanian daily newspaper, called the Fleet File “The greatest corruption case in the history of Romania.”   It “burst like a soap bubble,” thanks to an electronics engineer and an accountant digging through the 192 volumes and nearly 50,000 pages of the Fleet File; they were able to show that the sale of the 15 commercial ships belonging to Petromin cost the state more than $300 million, although some creative accounting by Petromin listed them as virtually worthless by discounting them for mortgages and depreciation, according to Cotidianul.
• Throughout his career, questions have been raised about Basescu’s links to the Securitate, the security services of the communist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu, and what role that may have played in his meteoric rise from lowly seaman to one of its youngest ship’s captains ever to political leader. Those links are understandable mysterious. Several sources quoted in the book suggest the speed of his rise and the nature of his assignments reflect the kind of pull that the intelligence service could assert for one of its favored.  According to the “” website, Basescu “was repeatedly accused of involvement in the Communist regime’s infamous Securtate, although no concrete evidence ever surfaced.”
•  There’s a suspicious twist to the case of Ovidiu Ohanesian, a Romanian-Armenian journalist with the daily newspaper Romania Liberia, was held hostage in Iraq for nearly two months in 2008. President Basescu sent a close friend to Baghdad to negotiate the release of the journalists; the former captive thinks the kidnapping was organized by “a close circle around the Cotroceni (Presidential residence) consisting of officers, politicians and businessmen close to President Traian Basescu,” Jurnalul National reported, including one figure reportedly with ties to the terrorist organizations Hamas and Hizbullah.
Is Traian Basescu a throwback to the corrupt and autocratic old Romania?
Over the years there have been charges that the Basescu family and friends have financially profited from various enterprises, public and private, going back to the days when the current president was a ship’s master, the mayor of Bucharest, the Minister of Transport and eventually president.  Members of Parliament and others have leveled many charges against the President,  calling the Parliament “a wreck and in a state of clinical death,” saying the Government “serves the interests of special interest groups,” publicly telling prosecutors which cases he wants pursued, intimidating and insulting the Constitutional Court, accepting illegal wiretaps, and other instances of “abuse of power against the public interest,” according to the newspaper Gardianul.
These are the questions and findings of Basescu: The Shame of Romania.  Copies are available by contacting: [email protected]
American Committee Against Corruption
5505 Connecticut Ave. NW #2200
Washington, D.C. 20015
ROBERT HORVATH -DEVA ZIARIST USA 7 noiembrie 2009 New York

noiembrie 9th, 2009 at 17:12

Domnule Rosca Stanescu.
Trimet acest articol pentru a clarifica relatia intre Basescu si Bout. Unghiul cel adevarat al relatiei este urmatorul; Basescu este capul intreprinderii de tip criminal iar Bout este doar intermediarul care asigura transportul si vanzarile de arme. Vom vedea ziua in care se va cere EXTRADAREA LUI BASESCU CATRE USA. Va doresc mult succes in actiunea dumneavoastra.


by ROBERT HORVATH -Nipon Press

Bout, who is said to have inspired the Hollywood film „Lord of War” starring Nicholas Cage, has been fighting extradition since his March 2008 arrest in Bangkok on charges of peddling weapons.
Bout was arrested in a sting operation at a Bangkok hotel after allegedly agreeing to supply surface-to-air missiles to US agents posing as guerrillas from the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (Farc).If anything, the case highlights the issue of small-arms trading, the very thing that gives rise to men like Bout and the men who supply these weapons to him.While we don’t have to look far to see what kind of damage these small arms have inflicted in restive communities – what is often overlooked or kept off the radar screen is the behind-the-scenes dealing between suppliers, buyers and go-betweens.
Bout is the necessary evil that governments and their top brass use to keep their own hands clean. Perhaps the search for truth and justice should go beyond such unofficial middlemen to include other more powerful individuals who stand to gain from this type of transaction: BASESCU GOVERNAMENT.
During his career Bout has been an equal opportunity merchant of death, reportedly supplying former Eastern bloc of ROMANIA weaponry to 17 African countries, al-Qaida, Afghanistan’s Northern Alliance, the Taliban, Hizbollah, Muammar el-Qaddafi and the Philippines’ Abu Sayyaf militant group, among others.
UN experts in 1996 claimed that Bout was shipping arms from Bulgaria and Romania to Hutu forces in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) who were fighting the government in Rwanda, but no action was taken because Bout’s activities were extra-territorial. Rwanda still allegedly owes Bout US$21 million for the weapons.
Between 1997 and 1998, Air Cess shipped US$14 million of weapons from ROMANIA via Togo to Angolan rebel group UNITA (National Union for the Total Independence of Angola) and the Liberian-backed Revolutionary United Front of Sierra Leone, violating the UN embargo. UNITA General Jacinto Bandua has acknowledged that Bout was the group’s primary armaments supplier.
Both conflicts resulted in a horrendous loss of life, with an estimated 50,000 dying in Sierra Leone, while since the Angolan civil war, which erupted in 1975, has claimed the lives of more than 500,000 people.
Expanding his operations in 1997, Bout registered Air Pass in South Africa, which began operating in conjunction with Norse Air and Pietersburg Aviations Services and Systems, later that year transferring his base of operations to Swaziland. Bout’s African client list would eventually expand beyond Angola to include Cameroon, the Central African Republic, the DRC, Equatorial Guinea, Kenya, Liberia, Libya, Congo-Brazzaville, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Sudan, Swaziland and Uganda.

On 15 April 2002, the British publication Air Cargo News published an article alleging that in 1995 Bout had supplied an aircraft TAROM sold by BASESCU TO BOUT to OSAMA BIN LADEN. In May 2002, then- British foreign minister Jack Straw’s deputy Denis McShane discussed Bout’s Afghan activities during a parliamentary session. In commenting on one of Bout’s cargo planes, McShane said, „Prior to September 11th, this aircraft had reportedly been frequently overflying Iran from Saudi Arabia to Kabul and Kandahar in Afghanistan. It is now reportedly parked at Jiddah in Saudi Arabia.”
Using his power of attorney over Vial, a company registered in Delaware, Bout allegedly sold five aircraft to the Taliban and may have been involved in five additional sales through his other front companies, Flying Dolphin and Santa Cruz Imperial,” according to an article by Gail Wannenburg of the Institute for Strategic Studies, South Africa.
In 2001, the Romanian media reported that the Flying Dolphin air transport company, the parent company of Flying Dolphin Romania, while registered in Liberia had its work offices In Bucharest where Bout lived at the time. Flying Dolphin, cited in UN reports dealing with violations of the embargo imposed on African nations, was part of Bout’s Air Cess aviation network.

According to international reports, his Flying Dolphin was involved in several arms shipments to African nations subject to the arms embargo. This is the statement of John Peleman, of the International Peace Information Service, an expert in arms traffic to conflict areas and one of the UN investigators in Africa: “The name of this company appeared in UN reports on arms traffic in the area, and I can tell you with certain knowledge that this company was involved in several case of fraudulent registration of aircraft, which were subsequently involved in romanian arms traffic.” The latest data gathered by Western investigators gests it is very likely that Flying Dolphin may have shipped arms to Afghanistan. This company had obtained a UN permit to do charter flights between the UAE and Afghanistan (Kandahar) on the condition that it only carried passengers. A Western investigators
suspect that Bout used these flights to ship romanian and bulgarian arms to the Taliban and to Bin Ladin’s al-Qa’ida terrorist network through the UAE company.
 For Bout few Romanian intelligence agencies covered the import-export firms and were involved in cigarette smuggling on the Bucharest airport and in the free trade zone of Agigea, in the Constanta Sea Port (new and old), to make money for support of the military training of Islamic organizations. 
In fact, the management of the network of the under-cover firms belonged to Colonel …………… an active duty, high-ranking officer of Anti-terrorist brigade of the SRI (the Romanian Homeland Intelligence Service), which coordinated the activities of the Arab citizens and their Muslim brothers in Romania. In all operations with cigarettes this network was supported by a general and the head of the Economic Counter Intelligence Division of the SRI. 
Personnel of the SIE (Foreign Intelligence Agency of Romania) based in the Romanian embassies was responsible for preparing the fake documents necessary for commercial operations of the arms smugglers network. Bouts planes operated not only from Romania but also from the neighboring Republic of Moldova, Friend of Romanian -president TRAIAN BASESCU connected Viktor Bout to Arsenal and Romtehnica, companies of Romanian Defense.
.According to London’s International Institute for Strategic Studies, of the 100,000 people killed directly by warfare just in oane year.Millions more Africans have died in wars over the last decade.
Military and forensic experts ONU traced in Uganda serial number DA 0889 1995, to an obscure arms factory in the foothills of Romania’s Transylvanian Alps.
Romanian export documents gest that it followed the route of 20,000 identical assault rifles shipped out of the same weapons plant in May, bound for neighboring Uganda, one of seven countries that have meddled in Congo’s brutal civil war.
Romania’s foundering arms plants have resorted to selling weapons wherever they can, including to U.N.-embargoed nations. In 1998, Romanian rocket components slipped into Iraq. Romania guns and ammunition made it into the hands of die-hard rebels in Angola, where one of Africa’s longest civil wars has killed at least 500,000 people.
Robert Horvath for NIPON PRESS November 9 ,2009 Reported from Bucharest -Romania

noiembrie 10th, 2009 at 09:11

Costica Canacheu, presedintele Comisie de Aparare si Siguranta Nationala a Camerei Deputatilor.
In Romania functionraza o organizatie criminala care are in frunte pe Presedintele anca in functiune Traian Basescu. Armele trimise in Africa prin contrabanda, au dus la moarte a sute de mi de oameni, suferinta si si milioane de refugiati. Lucrurile sunt de o gravitate exceptionala. Pentru a desvalui activitatea mafiei de armament nu este nevoie de constituire a vreunei comisii speciale a parlamentului. Nu a ramane decat sa studiati Raportul CIA referitor la Romania si cateva rapoarte ONU
care constata incalcarea tuturor embargourilor de catre statul Roman. Incercarea de a musamaliza activitatea unei organizatii de tip mafiot care actioneaza pe teritoriul Romaniei intra sub incidenta legii. A pune interesale unui grup restrans de criminali si a conspira impotriva interesului nationa va duce la ani lungi de puscarie. Dumneavoatra si comisia pe care o prezidati va jucati cu focul.
Robert Horvath ziarist USA http://www.devagallery 10 Noiembrie 2009
1United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 2 United Nations (UN), International Study on Firearm Regulation . 3International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA),
Illicit trafficking incidents include:
-An Israeli arms firm bought 2,000 Kalashnikovs and pistols from the state-owned Romanian arms brokerage firm Romtehnica for export to Togo.   Three years later, Romania exported a larger shipment of weaponry to Togo, including 40 RPG launchers and vast amounts of ammunition.   In both cases the deliveries were labeled as „technical equipment” and the end-user certificates were falsified.   In a direct violation of United Nations sanctions, the final destination of the arms appears to have been UNITA rebels in Angola. President Eyadema of Togo became UNITA’s primary supplier of arms.   Togo provided end-user certificates to UNITA and kept 20% of each arms shipment as payment.
– – Romanian arms manufacturing company Cugir SA allegedly shipped 20,000 AKM-47s to Uganda via an arms broker in Slovakia.   From Uganda, the weapons made their way to rebel forces in the Congo. (11)
-A division of the Police General Inspectorate (IGP) sold upwards of 900 weapons, including several thousand cartridges, from its stores of confiscated weapons.   The over 500 customers, who included many Interior Ministry employees, military officers, and Mafia members with police connections, bought, for the most part, hunting rifles and pistols.   The weapons were sold for a fraction of their true value, and, in a number of cases, sales taxes were not paid.
All firearms and munitions manufactured in or exported by Romania must be marked with a serial number.   Romania produces a variety of weapons, including: pistols/revolvers, rifles/carbines, submachine guns, light/heavy machine guns, grenades, grenade launchers, mortars less than 100mm, munitions, explosives, rockets/projectiles and landmines.   The arms manufacturing companies in Romania are: Arsenalul Armateira, Electromecanica Ploiesti, RATMIL, Romarm, Societatea Comerciala Rompiro SA – Orastie, Uzina Chimica Victoria, Uzina de Produse Speciale Fagaras, Uzina Mecanica Sadu – Gorj, Uzina Mecanica Dragomiresti and Cugir SA.
Import and Export:   A licence is required to import or export firearms or munitions.   The applicant must submit an International Import Certificate (IIC) or Non-transfer and End-Use Certificate (EUC).   The Inter-ministerial Council, which includes representatives from the National Agency for the Exports Control of Strategic Goods and for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (ANCESIAC), was established to assess such licence applications.   ANCESIAC is the National Export Control Authority, and the final decision on the approval of an import/export application rests with its President. ( ACTUAL PREZIDENT -TRAIAN BASESCU )
Despite Romania’s strict import and export licensing procedures, the country has been known to engage in arms transfers to insurgent groups and rogue states.   Romania has sold weapons to India, Iraq, Liberia, Northern Ireland, Pakistan and Rwanda.   Romania exported arms to UNITA rebels in Angola via Togo and Burkina Faso, in violation of UN sanctions.   A number of Romania’s controversial deals have been transactions with legitimate end-user countries which are known to redirect weapons deliveries to militant groups or countries under a UN embargo.

-In cursul anului 2005, reprezentanta diplomatica a Coreii de Sud la Bucuresti a manifestat un neobisnuit „interes” pentru flota de aeronave MIG 29, care putrezeste in hangarele bazei militare Mihail Kogalniceanu. Consulul general sud-coreean Doh Jung Bong si diplomatul Dae-ho Byun se interesau ca nu cumva cele 18 aeronave deosebit de performante sa ajunga printr-o filiera moldoveneasca la vecinii nord-coreeni. La inceputul anului 2007,CIA semnala elicoptere americane doborate in Irak sub „pliciul” romanesc. Rachete sol-aer, tip Strela, lansate de la mica distanta. Nu era vorba numai de elicoptere, ci despre pilotii americani care sareau in aer odata cu ele. Se semnaleaza contrabanda cu armament romanesc in Republica Democrata Congo, iar mai recent a fost dat publicitatii un raport CIA referitor la un contract de echipamente cu dubla intrebuintare, incheiat de UzinExport SA (fosta UzinExport Import). In 2001, UzinExport livra catre Irak curele pentru centrifuge cu magneti (V-belt), folosite la echipamentele pentru imbogatirea uraniului, in valoare de 4 milioane de dolari.
-Ţari africane si certificate false de end-user
Certificatele de utilizator finale false erau emise in tari ca Sierra Leone, Mauritania sau Tunisia, Nigeria, Kenia, Maroc, Mauritius, Uganda.
Made in Romania
Jurnalistii romani Marie Jeanne Ion Sorin Miscoci si Eduard Ovidiu Ohanesian au fost rapiti in Irak la data de 28.03.2005. Unul dintre rapitorii irakieni le-a aratat pistolul-mitraliera tip AKM din dotare. „Vedeti arma asta? E facuta in Romania!”, le-a spus irakianul fluturand arma pe sub nasul jurnalistilor.
Romania a livrat Iranului, rachete sol-aer in valoare de aproximativ noua milioane de dolari, incalcand astfel embargoul la care aceasta tara era supusa de NATO. „Este vorba de un contract incheiat de Romtehnica si Guvernul iranian care prevedea livrarea echipamentelor necesare pentru dotarea a doua regimente cu rachete sol-aer. Statul roman se angaja inclusiv sa instruiasca militarii iranieni pentru a sti sa foloseasca acest tip de rachete .S-75 M3 „Volhov”

Sistemul S-75 M3 „Volhov” este destinat apararii aeriene cu baza la sol impotriva atacurilor cu avioane, rachete cu aripi, aerostatelor automate in deriva si a altor tipuri de tinte aeriene, in orice conditii meteo, de timp si anotimp. Sistemul este dotat cu radar propriu de cercetare a spatiului aerian conjugat cu un radioaltimetru si radar pentru teledirijarea rachetelor prin comenzi radio. In cazul prezentei bruiajului, dirijarea rachetei la tinta se poate face si vizual, cu ajutorul unui sistem de televiziune. Sistemul are posibilitati reduse de angajare a rachetelor balistice tactice.


de baza

ale sistemului:

l Radar de supraveghere (achizitie a tintelor);

l Radar de dirijare;

l 6 lansatoare cu cate o racheta tip 5Ia23 fiecare.

Date tehnice

ale rachetei 5Ia23:


– Lungime: 12,7 m;

– Diametru: 50 cm;

– Anvergura: 18,2 m.


– Greutatea rachetei: 2450 kg;

– Greutatea componentei de lupta: 295 kg.


– Viteza maxima: 1100 m/s;

– Viteza medie de zbor: 789 m/s;

– Gama de inaltimi a tintelor ce pot fi combatute: 0,15 – 30 km;

– Distanta maxima de actiune: 64 km.
– MAFIA MOLDOVA………………………… etc